Noer Amelia Dina
September 30, 2022 at 14:41
A translucent, mineral primer that blurs the appearance of pores and fine lines, creates even skin texture and velvety-smooth finish.
2 people
September 30, 2022 at 14:41
Skin Type None
/Skin Tone None
dipake di tzone nahan minyakkk dan ga bikin cepet luntur😍💯
August 18, 2022 at 00:05
Skin Type None
/Skin Tone None
Telat banget baru coba velvet primer, coba dari dulu, makeup jadi lebih flawless pasti, karena ini bikin kulit jadi so smooth sebelum dimakeup🥹
1. Make sure your face is clean
2. Apply primer before using foundation
3. Tap on the part that needs it (oily spot or on the spot that fine lines appear)